Flammable Safety Storage Cabinets provide a reliable storage solution for hazardous materials includes chemicals, flammables, petrochemicals, paints, ink, pesticides, fertilizers and hydrocarbons. Its available in different models, sizes and capacities. These units are perfect solution for facilities, warehouses and other storage locations.

Store Flammables in Safety Cabinets and Keep Fire Away

Safety Cabinets are designed to store flammable liquids, corrosives, pesticides and other hazardous materials. SAI-U Safety cabinets are designed to meet fire codes and safety regulations.

Safely store flammable liquids in fire resistant safety cabinets to reduce the risk of a damaging fire in your workplace. To help protect your people and facility from a potential fire, safety cabinets are engineered to safely contain flammable fuels, solvents, and chemicals. They serve several critical functions. FM (Factory Mutual) approved specification cabinets are ideal for segregating dangerous substances on your site and for the storage of chemicals, aerosols and paints.

They have been finished with durable chemical resistant powder-coat paint both inside and out to reduce the risk of corrosion. Flammable Safety and Storage Cabinets provide a reliable storage space for holding hazardous materials including paints, pesticides, ink, fertilizers and hydrocarbons. Designed in a range of models, sizes and capacities, these units are perfect solution for facilities, warehouses and other storage locations looking to stay in compliance while storing hazardous materials.

Metal Hazmat Cupboard

Flammable Safety Storage Cabinets and Safety Cans

Safety Cabinets

Safety Cabinet Exclusive Supplier in Middle East & Africa

Our supply ability to cover all gulf region including, UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Yemen, Bahrain, Iraq, Egypt all African Region. SAI-U safety storage cabinets earned the CE certification, meet the United States occupation safety and Health Administration (OSHA) OSHA 29 CFR 1910.106, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) NFPA CODE 30 standard and the Regulations on the safety administration of dangerous chemicals of China State Administration of work safety.

After rigorous testing of a 10-minute-combustion, SAI-U safety cabinet’s internal connections are all safe to maintain connected, all doors kept closed, and the internal temperature maintained below 162.7 degrees. Storage cabinets for flammable liquids containers serve a number of purposes, protection of flammable liquids against flash fires, prevention of excessive internal temperatures in the presence of fire and containment of spilled flammable liquids to prevent the spread of fire.

Types of Flammable Storages

According to international practice, there are four colors of common used materials storage safety cabinet to store various perilous materials. Generally, the yellow cabinets are used for storing flammable materials, red for combustible materials, the blue for corrosive material storage cabinet, such as sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrofluoric acid and other strongly corrosive materials, and the white are used for storing the toxic materials.

The color is for distinguishing different type materials in storage and convenient using. The common effect of the each type safety cabinet is for fire prevention, heat insulation and secure storage. Improper storage and handling of flammable liquid leading cause of industrial fires.

Guidance for Storing Flammable Liquids

  • Don’t store more than 120 gallons of flammable or combustible liquids in a single cabinet.
  • Keep doors closed and latched. If there are automatic doors, make sure they completely close if heat were to break the fusible link.
  • Place all liquid storage containers in the cabinet when not in use.
  • Use any vents on the cabinets, if  supplied.   Place flame arrestors on all openings   Run the vents to a safe location, usually outside the building. Otherwise, close the vents so flammable vapors can’t escape into the room.
  • Label each cabinet with: Flammable—Keep Fire Away.
  • Store only flammable and combustible liquids in the cabinet.
  • ​Each flammable storage cabinet is Meets NFPA, OSHA and FM standards.

Features of Safety Cupboard

Flammable Cabinets are constructed from all welded 1.2 mm steel that can surround and protect liquids for the duration of their storage. Standard design cabinets includes below

  • Heavy duty Construction
  • Double Layer Steel with Air Space 38 mm
  • Fireproofing Vents
  • Adjustable Shelves
  • 3 Point Linkage Door Lock
  • Professional Waring Labels
  • Extra Padlock Felicity

Color Classification of Safety Storage Cabinets

SAI-U safety cabinets are widely used in automotive manufacturing, petrochemical, industrial manufacturing, laboratory, hospitals, schools, food industry, power industry, new energy and other fields.

  • Yellow Safety Cabinets are perfect for the storage of any flammable liquid. Models are available in sizes that can store anywhere from 4  to 115 gallons.
  • Red Safety Cabinets are the perfect choice for safe storage of paints and inks.  Models are available in sizes that can store anywhere from 4  to 90 gallons
  • Blue Safety Cabinets are the perfect choice for safe storage chemicals, acids, and other corrosives. Built for a multitude of different corrosive chemicals, of accessories including shelving and Poly tray liners.  Models are available in sizes that can store anywhere from 4  to 90 gallons.
  • White Safety Cabinets  are the perfect choice for safe storage  Toxic substances which are liable to cause death or serious injury to human health if inhaled, swallowed or by skin absorption.  Models are available in sizes that can store anywhere from 4  to 90 gallons.

​Safety Cabinets Door Options

Most standard flammable safety cabinets are additionally built with various door options. As a standard rule, cabinets are designed with either manual or self-close doors.

Manual Close Safety Cabinets

Safety storage flammable cabinets equipped with economical manual close doors can be fully open 180 degrees, allow the user to open and close the doors freely, as needed.

​Self Close Safety Cabinets

Self closing flammable safety cabinets also allows for the door to close by itself when under extreme conditions. When the ambient temperature is higher than 74 degrees Celsius the door automatically close

Absorbents Keep You Additional Safe

When a spill or a leak happens in or around your cabinet, absorbents can easily clean up oils and hazmat materials. Keeping some of these products (pads, socks, pillows, booms, granules and spill kits) on hand will add protection for you and your surroundings of cabinets.

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